Components New & Used
Conveyor BeltingBELTING
Stone Products can provide belting in all widths, plies, and styles. We have winding equipment, and can provide services at your location or in our shop.
Superior Chevron® PulleysCHEVRON-PULLEY
Superior revolutionized the industry in 2007 with the invention of the Chevron® Pulley. It’s V-shaped design deflects rocks, reduces wing bending, and creates environments for longer lasting conveyor belts. The Chevron Pulley has a round end view creating continuous belt contact, which significantly reduces any beating action. The smooth operation creates less vibration, less belt wear, less of an impact and load on the bearings and significantly less noise.
WorldWide Electric Corp®, and Baldor – Dodge® motors, drives, gears, reducers, bearings and blocks, and other mechanical drive components are designed to assure the highest performance and reliability in the tough aggregate production environment. Stone Products maintains a large inventory of components and can fulfill your needs on a quick ship basis.
Superior Troughing IdlersIDLERS
Superior idlers utilize SpinGuard® Seal Technology for bullet-proof bearing protection. Their construction utilizes as thick or thicker steel compared to competitors, and rollers that are powder coated to provide ultimate in protection and rust resistance. Our broad range of CEMA categories creates the perfect product fit for your application. We are a stocking distributor and Superior has two US manufacturing plants for fast delivery.
Superior Return RollersRETURNS
Superior has a broad range of return rollers to match your specific needs. Regular steel, rubber coated, beater bar, self-aligning, and others to solve your return challenges. Urethon® and Navigator® are two unique return roll solutions that help extend belt life.
Urethon® return rolls are a unique, self-cleaning roll that sheds stick materials, and last at least 3X longer than traditional rubber rolls. In addition there is a spiral option that cleans the dirty side of the belt.
Navigator® Return Trainer provides continuous belt alignment, which extends the life of belting and other conveyor components.
Superior Conveyor ComponentsSUPERIOR
We are a stocking dealer for Superior Conveyor Components. Superior is focused on continuous improvement and innovation in design, resulting in products that are highly reliable, delivering the best performance / cost ratio in the industry. We stock for immediate shipment idlers, replacement rollers, returns, head and tail pulleys (drums and wings), and other commonly used items.
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